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Megalithic Ireland Virtual Tour

The Travel Cult Symbol

Megalithic Ireland

The Travel Cult Symbol

Welcome to Megalithic Ireland Virtual Tour. This tour will give you a new way to learn and discover the county. The tour covers some of the wonders of Ireland that go back thousands of years in the county of Meath.
You will be visiting:

  • New Grange

  • Knowth

  • Hill of Tara


Virtual Tour

The Travel Cult Symbol

For best viewing, we advise using a PC, laptop or tablet.

If you are using a mobile device, we advise viewing in landscape for best viewing.

How To Use

The Travel Cult Symbol

On each slide, you will see a few different icons.
          At the top right, you will see:
  This button will give you an overview of each photo.
At the top right you will see:
         This button allows you to navigate through the tour.
Throughout the tour you will see:
         This button will give you information about the specific area.
           This button will display an historic photo.

Info button at the top of the tour
Open navigation box at the top of the tour
Info button throughout the tour
Historic photo button throughout the tour
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